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Ogden City Flag Design

I will try to go through design process here and I probably should have started this blog post as I was completing this project, but I didn't so I am recreating it to a certain point.

1) Design Brief - Establish the purpose: This is the why, for who, what will it be used for, when it will be used, etc.

Ogden City is wanting a flag designed that can represent the cities' culture, history and community. The flag must be simple, but meaningful. A total of three colors can be used in each design and 3 designs per person can be submitted. The must be in a 3x5 proportion in one of the following file formats include jpg, png, or pdf.

Now because this is a competition vs a client, I decided I need to take it a step further as well and think of it being a logo as well. Several states use part of their flag as a logo on hats, clothing, and many other items. Colorado and California are two that come to mind for me. Therefore, from that I took that into play as well.

2) Research - existing and new information

I like to begin with a mind map and basically vomit what info I have personally on the subject at hand. The following was a quick map I did on my phone.

After the mind map a try to look more into the subject of the design and the client too. For this it was looking more into Who and What is Ogden City and also about flag design because I have never designed a flag. I looked at various history pages on Ogden. Learned more about the settlers in Weber County and 25th Street's notorious history. I looked at tons of flags and tried to figure out why I like certain ones and not others. I think it really comes down to is trying different things going as far as you can and then pulling back and simplifying it.

3) Generating Ideas - sketches and iterations

This stage I did sketch some on my phone and paper, but a lot I did on illustrator by moving pieces around and trying different things.

These are the sketches (above) from my phone and then screen shot of my illustrator file (below)

As you can see above, I move little pieces around and try different colors and really try to find the right fit together. You have to remember I want to people to want to have this on their hats or souvenirs.

4) Design stage - Showing the client, revisions, and finalizing.

For this stage I asked a couple of colleagues and my wife about which ones they liked and why. I made a few revisions based on their comments.

5) Final Phase - Project sent to client or submitted online in this case.

Ted Jorgensen Ogden City Flag Design2
Download PDF • 129KB

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Hopefully this gives some insight into how my process works and maybe an understanding of who I am. Thanks for taking a look!

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